GSEB 12th Board Exam 2021 to hold HSC examination from July 1
GSEB 12th Board Exam 2021 to hold HSC examination from July 1

Gujarat?s Education Ministry on Tuesday confirmed that Gujarat Board will conduct Class 12 exams as per the existing system from July 1.

The minister, Bhupendrasinh Chudasama said that the full schedule of the exams will be announced soon. The exams of science & general streams will begin on July 1. Part-1 of the science stream will have MCQs and descriptive writing in Part-2. The official announcement was made via Twitter by Education Minister himself after a high-level meeting with ministers from the Central Government on pending board and entrance exams. However, the board is yet to decide on the mode of examination. The schedule of the HSC examination will only be announced after a meeting and consultation with Chief Minister Vijay Rupani.

Gujarat had earlier decided on the mass promotion of Class 10 students due to coronavirus pandemic. It was Chief Minister Vijay Rupani who took up the decision keeping in mind the current situation of coronavirus resurgence in the state. Amid the talks of exams, the application form for JEE Main 2021 exam date and NEET 2021 will be released soon on the official site of NTA -

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