GSTR-3B return deadline extended by the GST panel to today
GSTR-3B return deadline extended by the GST panel to today

NEW DELHI: The GSTR-3B return deadline for monthly filers for the month of September has been extended by one day by the GST Implementation Committee of the GST Council. 

The deadline was originally set for October 20, but it is now Friday, October 21. The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) stated in a tweet that the announcement in this respect is in the works.

The Board previously stated that the decision was made because taxpayers had complained about the GSTN portal's lag time.
CBIC announced on Thursday that it had received an incident report from GSTN alleging system slowness along with a suggestion to extend the due date. In order to prevent the taxpayer from having to pay late fees or interest, "we continue to watch the situation carefully and the application for extension is being evaluated in cooperation with the GST Council."

The Goods and Services Tax's (GST&ST)) technology backbone is called the GST Network (GSTN) (GST). Infosys is the service provider for GSTN. The GSTN admitted there was an issue and said it was being fixed.

"Taxpayers who filed GSTR 3B returns today said the portal was sluggish. It is acknowledged that the problem has persisted. Technical teams are attempting to fix the issue. CBIC has received an incident report in order to propose extending the return filing deadlines "GSTN posted a tweet.

The holiday season for tax professionals and businesses has once again been marred by technical issues with GSTN, saud Mr Rajat Mohan, Senior Partner at AMRG & Associates. Small extensions of one or two days will inevitably force businesses to work on the weekend, he said.

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