Gujarat or Maharashtra: Who is no.1 business investment destination in India..?
Gujarat or Maharashtra: Who is no.1 business investment destination in India..?

Make in India policy is really in favor of Nation. The Make in India weak make two metropolitan states to hustle for the number one destination in India for investor funds. Well, both the state are ruled by Bharatiya  Janta Party (BJP).

Last Monday, Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis claimed that his state was number 1 to attract domestic and foreign direct investment. While on Tuesday Gujarat CM Anandiben Patel claim her state is undoubtedly the best and top investment destination. Well, both the states have been going great in their projecting industrialization and investments.

Where Gujarat’s GSDP WAS 12.1 per cent between 2004-05 and 2014-15, and Maharashtra’s GSDP grew at a compound annual growth rate of 11.1 per cent during the same period. Also, both the states took initiative to cover the 25 sectors under Make in India. CM of Gujarat also revealed that her state received Rs. 65,402 crore investment    intentions in 2015, which is 21% of total investment received in a country.

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