Hair care tips for the winter season
Hair care tips for the winter season

Winter bring so many hair related issues like dryness, static, frizz, and general lack of that luscious, smooth, shiny summer hair. More often than not, the exposure to the harsh cold elements and constant transition to heated indoors can zap our hair of its moisture, leading to dull hair that's more susceptible to damage. Not only are your precious hair strands at risk of breakage due to the dry, cold winter air, but scalp dryness, dandruff, can rear its ugly head during these drier months.

So, how do you take care of your hair, minimize these harsh winter effects and prevent damage? We've put together our favorite winter hair care tips and tricks below so you can achieve healthy hair this winter.

1. Moisturize your hair and scalp with hair oil

During the colder months, indoor heating tends to zap a lot of moisture out and dry the hair out, sometimes leaving a dry, flaky scalp. Using a leave-in conditioner or add hair oil to your winter hair care routine to combat dryness effectively. Apply few drops of a nourishing hair oil at the ends every day to help replenish your hair during the winter with the moisture that it needs, preventing it from breakage, and leaving it soft and shiny. Some of our favorite hair oils include Argan oil and jojoba oil

2. Combat static hair with a dryer sheet

A key sign that your hair is suffering from winter dryness is those fine strands of hair lifting from the head, much like a science experiment gone wrong. To avoid a static party on your head, a simple tip for dry hair is to carry a regular anti-static laundry dryer sheet with you in your bag. Lightly swipe it over the fly-aways and enjoy your instant, static-free hairdo. 

Of course, this is just a quick fix, and it is always best to combat the root of the problem when caring for your hair in the winter—in this case, dryness. Therefore, condition your hair regularly, and lock in that moisture with leave-in conditioner.

3. Avoid frequent hair washes

If you're guilty of washing your hair every day, it's time to make a change to your winter hair care routine. Over washing your hair will strip it of its vital natural oils that keep the hair moisturized and protected, which are more important than ever during the colder months.

Try to extend the period between your washes as much as possible until you find the perfect time period for your hair—if you usually wash your hair every other day, try every two days. If you find your hair is still lacking moisture, try every three days. To help this transition process, use dry shampoo between washes to keep your hair smelling and looking fresh.

4. Avoid heat styling

It's no secret that heat styling is a major culprit for dry, damaged hair. When your hair is already in a fragile state during the colder months, heat styling simply amplifies the problem, sucking moisture from hair strands. Embrace your natural hair texture and opt to air dry instead of hair dry whenever possible, using a few drops of hair oil to tame frizz. As well,

5. Dry your hair before rushing out the door

Although this may be a regular habit for you in the warmer months, it is especially important to ensure that your hair is fully dry before rushing out the door in the winter. Cold hair expands the hair shaft, making the hair more prone to breakage, as well as leading to fading color faster. Give your hair that extra time in the winter to air dry before sauntering out for the day, or better yet, modify your winter hair care routine to wash and care for your hair at night, so you can avoid blow drying your hair when you're in a rush in the morning.

also read DIY Almond Face Masks For Winter Skin Care

Ingredients to care for coloured hair

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