If you have trouble with the double-faced hair, then apply this thing with curd
If you have trouble with the double-faced hair, then apply this thing with curd

There are many girls around the world who are most troubled by double-faced hair, this is because they have longer hair than boys. Yes, and every girl has had to face this problem at some point in her life. By the way, the reason for this can be considered chemically rich hair products, dirt, and pollution. However, for the proper nourishment of hair, things present in the house can be used which we are going to tell you about today.


What are the reasons why two-faced hair comes from-

-Wash the head with warm water

Do not cut hair for a long time.

- Washing the hair by rubbing it too much

- Use of the wrong hair oil

Do not clean the hair regularly.

-Bright sunshine

-Scorching heat


-Hair Color


Home remedies to get rid of double-faced hair-

* Take a bowl of curd and then add a spoonful of olive oil, honey, and egg yolk to it to make a hair mask. Finally, apply the mixture to the hair and leave it for about 15 minutes and then wash the head.

* Pinch the hair with coconut oil and leave it like this for about 45 minutes. After that, wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner. Because doing so doesn't make the hair dry.

* Mix papaya and curd and apply it to the hair and leave it on for about half an hour, after which wash the hair with normal water. By doing this, the split ends will be removed in a few days.

* Egg yolk is a medicine for hair health and you can also apply it directly to the hair.

* Aloe vera gel is considered to be quite beneficial for the hair. Apply it to the hair and let it dry for half an hour and then take a bath.

* Have been trimming your long hair in a gap of 2 to 3 months. Yes, because by doing this, the problem of split ends will be removed.

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