Problems of bone-related diseases increases in winter season, Know remedy!
Problems of bone-related diseases increases in winter season, Know remedy!

The prick in the air during the winter season increases the discomfort of the elderly and patients with arthritis. A little carelessness increases their problem. In this season, many patients have increased knee pain, stiffness and discomfort because the pressure in the environment hinders blood circulation. It is often considered age-related loss or seasonal variation but may be symptoms of arthritis.

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Therefore, if the experts are believed, sometimes even those patients have pain during the winter, who have taken medical advice or have undergone knee surgery. Therefore, in case of trouble, one should seek the advice of the doctor immediately and they will advise you as needed. Such as exercise, physiotherapy, correct diet, supplements, etc., so that the bones stay strong during winter

Apart from this, it is worth noting that by adopting an active lifestyle, you can keep away joint pain, especially for patients with Arthritis. Do not let the cold air outside the house obstruct exercise. While working or at home, keep taking short breaks so that your weight remains in control. Vitamin D is best for joints. Stay in the sun as much as possible. Include a diet rich in nutrients and vitamins in your diet, such as oranges, spinach, cauliflower, dairy products and dry fruits.

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Also, keep in mind that the knee joint has more stress than any other joint, so instead of wearing a heavy sweater or cardigan which increases your body weight, wear light warm clothes. Joints movement increases blood circulation in their peripheral areas and reduces stiffness. So get out of your blanket and do a little stretching and walking.

These problems in women are related to fibroid or uterine lump

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