Arithmophobia is the fear of numbers, know these important things about it
Arithmophobia is the fear of numbers, know these important things about it

One phobia is Arithmophobia. Fear of numbers is called erythrophobia. Since it is associated with phobia numbers, it is also known as nomophobia. This phobia affects a person's daily life, as it makes it difficult for them to solve a question or manipulate numbers in everyday life. Even the idea of doing some kind of calculation makes him nervous. It has been considered an anxiety disorder. S

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It is worth noting that if arrhythmophobia occurs, a person can come out of it very easily. There are many such therapies today, which can overcome the fear of numbers in your mind. This includes drugs as well as psychotherapy. By the way, drugs are used when there is no significant difference in the victim because they are not only used by drugs but also have many side effects. However, anti-depressant drugs may be used in some cases. Other methods of treatment, particularly neuro linguistic programming therapy, can be used to overcome this phobia. In this therapy, the brain is reprogrammed in such a way that the fear of the numbers in your mind and brain is easily overcome. In addition, exposure therapy and hypnotherapy are also helpful in eliminating arrhythmophobia.

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It should be noted that there are many symptoms in a person when there is numerophobia. Anything related to such anxiety, fear and nervousness to such person as shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, inability to express words or sentences, etc. This phobia is especially harmful for anyone because we all make calculations in some form of everyday life or we are faced with numbers. But numerophobia sufferers are often socially inept and good people in maths consider them small. This is why, this phobia can affect a person's social development and give rise to a persistent inferiority complex.

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