Take care of these things while playing Holi
Take care of these things while playing Holi

Everyone is excited to make Holi festival full of fun and excitement, but if you lose your senses in the midst of this enthusiasm, then your health can suffer a lot, so today we are going to share with you some special tips with the help of which you can take care of your health.

Nose Rescue: While playing Holi, we should take special care that the color does not go in anyone's nose. These colors are artificial and are made from a variety of chemicals. In such a situation, if the color goes to the nose, then serious problems can occur.

Protect eyes from colors: The colors played in Holi are made with chemicals. If they go into the eye, it can cause severe burning sensation and damage to the cornea. Those who are wearing lenses, take off your lenses while playing Holi. 

Intake of sweets: It is important to take care of this. Especially sugar patients. Festivals are full of dishes made with oil and sugar. Both oil and sugar are harmful to diabetes patients.

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