Health experts ask: Is zika virus passed off as dengue in India
Health experts ask: Is zika virus passed off as dengue in India

On Thursday,It is ask by the health expert that is India already housing the deadly Zika virus ???It is possibly yes warned global experts.Still, The most dangerous virus Zika remains undetected in India.

Dr. Kleber G Luz said, "Zika transmitted to people by the infected Aedes species of mosquitoes that spreads dengue and chikungunya as well, does exist in India. Also, the climatic conditions, which breed these mosquitoes, are similar in Hyderabad and Natal -my city in Brazil,"

Dr Kleber is the Brazalian infectionologist from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was first to established a link between the Zika and Microcephaly in a newborn in March 2015,at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital.

He also added, "It took four months after the first alert for them to admit that it wasn't dengue but Zika,".

Since the crash, the virus has affected 4,000 newborns in Brazil, leaving 40 of them dead. It has also resulted in Guillain-Barre syndrome (a nervous disorder) among more than 200 adults and Encephalitis (causes inflammation in the brain) among several others.

According to the latest World Health Organisation report Zika has, by now, spread up to 52 countries in which countries like the United States, Columbia, Venezuela included.

"The insufficient number of quality laboratories in India could be a problem in detecting the virus," Dr Luz said.

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