Make these detox juices at home to cure diseases, Know recipe
Make these detox juices at home to cure diseases, Know recipe

We do not pay attention to our health in a busy life. In such a situation, diseases make its home in our body and many troubles related to health begin. Not only this, due to dust, dirt and pollution, many toxic bacteria enter in our body. Due to all this, you can become ill. In such a situation, to avoid all these, some Detox Drinks will have to be included in your food so that your body can have a detox. In such a situation, you will keep yourself fit. Know about those special things.

How to make figs and make smoothies

5-6 figs
Make 1
1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence (not necessary)
1/2 cup yoghurt

How to make it
Take and take out the fig peel. Now mix honey and yoghurt with these two in a mixer and grind them well. After mixing, garnish with figs in a glass. Your tasty and healthy smoothie is ready. You can also drink it after lunch.

Talking about gir, it contains many antioxidant elements, which helps in getting all the toxins out of your body. At the same time, bananas contain elements like fibre, magnesium and fibre, which are helpful in cleansing your stomach.

Mango Smoothie
2 cups chopped mangoes
1/2 cup smoothie
1 teaspoon sugar/honey
Some peppermint leaves

How to make it
Put all the ingredients in the mixer jar and grind until done. After that, take it out in a glass. Garnish with some mango pieces on top of the juice.

Speaking of mangoes, they contain the most fibre and it is an antioxidant substance. Mango contains many vitamins and minerals which are helpful in digestion. This juice is very helpful in getting toxins from the body.

Aloe vera and lemon juice
1 teaspoon aloe vera pulp
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1 glass of water
5-6 ice cube

How to make it
Mix aloe vera pulp and lemon juice in the mixer. Then pour honey in a glass and then pour ice cube on top of it and drink it.

As we know, Aloe Vera is a substance that cleanses the body. It helps to clean all the bacteria that are in the body. At the same time, lemon has a unique way of detoxing the body.

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