Six pieces of fries are healthy says a harvard professor
Six pieces of fries are healthy says a harvard professor

We all loce to eat fries due to its amazing taste but we are know its disadvantage s People who ate fries have higher risks of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.But according to latest report A Harvard professor has declared that a portion of fries should only contain six for it to be called a healthy portion.

However, Professor Eric Rimm, of Harvard University's nutrition department, states they are 'starch bombs' and half a dozen should be our limit. He also suggest to a person should sate his appetite with salad if they want to avoid life-threatening heart conditions.


In the last 25 years, the average serving size in any given establishment has doubled or tripled. Bagels are now six inches wide, not three; a medium bag of popcorn is 11 cups, not five; and a soda is 20 ounces not 6.5.

A serving of fries is meant to be capped at around 15. These days, most restaurants serve around 55.

Dr Rimm’s advice is partly based on study of Italian researchers, who found people who avoided fries altogether lived six months longer than those who doesn't . 

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