This week has turned out to be the wedding week for the Indian film Industry. The week begun with Sonam Kapoor's marriage with their Delhi-based longtime boyfriend Anand Ahuja, leading to this yesterday, on May 10 Neha Dhupiya got married to her best friend and actor Angad Bedi and today the Ashique Banaya Aapne fame music composer Himesh Reshammiya is getting married to Sonia Kapoor.
The couple is all set to tie the knots today on May 11 at their residence. As per the reports, the wedding ceremony will be a close-knit affair which includes close friends and family. Himesh’s son Swayam and parents will be a part of the ceremony tonight.
The music composer was dating Sonai Kapoor since from the year 2006. The couple was living together for a while now and yet to be noted that Himesh Reshammiya also has a 20-year-old son Swayam from his first wife. He got separated with his ex-wife because they thought they were not compatible.
According to, soon after their official divorce, they both released a statement in which Konal stated that she and Himesh completely respect each other and are jointly going with this decision to part ways legally but mutual respect will always be there between us. There are compatibility issues in our marriage but we respect each other immensely. Nobody else should be dragged into this matter and nobody else is responsible for this and the reason for our marriage not working is only and the only compatibility. Sonia is not responsible for this at all and our son Swaym and our family loves Sonia just like a family member.