This Hollywood actress raised concerns about children trapped in Italy
This Hollywood actress raised concerns about children trapped in Italy

Due to coronavirus around the world, the atmosphere of panic is constant. Recently noted Hollywood actor Tom Hanks and his wife Corona have been found to be virus-positive. After Tom Hanks, well-known actress and former wife of Sylvester Stalloun, Bridgette Nielsen, has also raised concerns about her sons. Actually his sons live in Milan, Italy. After the WHO declared the coronavirus an epidemic, the government in Italy has declared a lockdown. Hundreds of people have lost their lives here so far.

The 56-year-old actress has said that I talk to my children every day. They are in Milan, Italy and they are in an area that is dangerous. My younger son went to the supermarket and he was telling that the food is ending in Italy. People in America are looking for toilet paper. People are looking for food in Italy. There is a panic Not about the fact that the virus will attack them, but also about the fact that their food will end and the water is not clean there either.



The actress further said, as a mother, it is very difficult for me that I am far away from my children. My sons are saying that they are safe but they are trapped in very serious conditions. Nielsen has said that the situation in America is not as bad as it is in Italy. He said that I think people are understanding that the coronavirus is a serious problem and should not be taken lightly. Do not panic, but take care about what is said.Let us tell you that Italy has turned the entire country into lockdown. Significantly, Nielsen came into the discussion in the year 2018 when he announced his pregnancy at the age of 54. Nielsen has four sons.

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