Hollywood singer Cynthia's big statement, says- "By being the only black woman in the race for Oscar Award"
Hollywood singer Cynthia's big statement, says-

Hollywood actress and singer Cynthia Erivo, who does not know in today's time, always remains in the headlines due to something or the other, while recently nominated in the category of Best Actor Award for Oscar Awards- Actress Cynthia Erivo is excited about it. However, he said that he is saddened to be the only black woman in the race for this award.

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According to media reports, 33-year-old Erivo, who has been nominated for his role in the film Harriot, said that he is happy to be nominated but it also reveals the lack of diversity in Hollywood. This film is a biography.

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Erivo told the Hollywood Reporter that it is said to be in a room and not to see other (black) actresses nominated, not to share it with other black actresses. I would like to share this moment with someone else. Erivo competes against Scarlett Johnson (Marriage Story), Renee Zellweger (Judy), Charlize Theron (Bumshell) and Savors Ronan (Little Woman) for the Best Actor Award.

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