This home remedy is effective in the treatment of Dengue
This home remedy is effective in the treatment of Dengue

When a dengue mosquito bites a human, the dengue virus present in the blood of the mosquito reaches the human body and starts making him sick. These viruses damage many organs in the body and prevent body functions, due to which the number of platelets in the body of the patient starts decreasing but the patient has to resort to catering to increase the level of platelets in the body. Giloy leaves (Guduchi) and papaya are considered very beneficial in the treatment of dengue, as both these things increase the number of platelets in the patient's body. Let us tell you how to use them.

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The leaves of red lady papaya tree found in India are more effective for its treatment. For the full benefit, such leaves should be used which are neither too new nor too old. For use, first, wash the leaves with clean water. After this, grind the leaves in a wooden mortar without adding water, salt or sugar, and then extract the juice from the ground leaves and drink it twice a day. According to experts, an adult should drink 10 ml of juice twice a day and a child of 5 to 12 years should drink up to 2.5 ml twice a day.

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According to the same Ayurveda experts, Giloy (Guduchi) is a chemical, it is also a blood suppressant, stimulant, anti-inflammatory, purifier and liver tonic. It cures jaundice and chronic fever. Giloy is an Ayurvedic herb, in dengue, it is beneficial to consume the juices of its children. Giloy (Tinospora cardifolia) has a multi-year vine. This fever starts showing its effect within 5 to 6 days due to dengue. In this, the level of platelets in the blood of the body decreases rapidly. Drinking the juice of Giloy and 7 basil leaves increases the body's immunity. It also increases the level of blood platelets. To reduce the bitterness of Giloy, you can mix and drink it in another juice.

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