Try these home remedies to cure ringworm
Try these home remedies to cure ringworm

Ringworm is a disease that is very irritating and if it is not treated in time, then it slowly spreads throughout the body. In winter or monsoon season, its effect is increased slightly. Ringworm is a type of fungal infection that can occur anywhere in a person's head, foot, neck or other internal parts of the body. It is red or light brown coloured which is round in shape. Today we are going to tell you about its diagnosis even while staying at home.

Neem leaves and yogurt
You can use neem leaves and curd to get rid of ringworm. It also provides relief from itching. For this, soak neem leaves and grind it with curd. Applying this paste on the affected area for a few days makes you feel relaxed.

Marigold flower has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Boil marigold leaves in water and make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area 2-3 times a day. You will see a difference in a few days.

Turmeric and Celery
Applying turmeric paste on ringworm also helps in getting rid of it. Do this remedy once a day and at night before sleeping. Grinding celery in hot water and applying it on ringworm cures it. Apart from this, washing the ringworm with celery water is also beneficial.

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