Clean your face with this home remedies
Clean your face with this home remedies

To make the skin glowing, you have to clean the inside of the skin and for this you can adopt the tips given in this article. Today we have brought an ice cube made of turmeric for you to deeply cleanse the skin. We do not need to tell you how good turmeric is for the skin. Because it is mostly used in home made face packs and ubutans. Turmeric powder is a famous skin brightener and anti-microbial ingredient. It helps you to remove the pimples and pimples from the face. Yes, if your skin is getting dimpled, Pimple's stains are not taking the name of the face and there is a problem of tanning on the skin or any kind of skin problem, you will get relief from turmeric. Let us know what it is, how it is made and work and how to use it.

necessary ingredients

Organic aloe vera gels - ½ cup
Water - ½ cup
Organic Turmeric - 1 teaspoon

Method of preparation and use: In a mixing bowl, add aloe vera gels and filtered water. Mix both well until it is done. Then add organic turmeric powder to it and mix it well. Do not allow lumps to form in turmeric. For ease, you can also mix turmeric with water. Put a mixture of aloe vera and turmeric in this cube tray and freeze overnight or for 4-5 hours. To use, take it out on ice cube and apply it to the skin. But rub until it melts. Clean your face with plain water. Do this daily. It cleans the inside of your skin and makes it glowing, freeing it from stains.

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