Only one spice can cure so many diseases, know its benefits
Only one spice can cure so many diseases, know its benefits

Green cardamom is the solution to many of our health problems, green cardamom cleans your digestive system by increasing the indigestion of the body, reducing the inflammation of the body and lowering the cholesterol level, which helps in reducing weight. Cardamom is also helpful in reducing systolic and diastolic, which affects blood pressure levels. If you cannot chew cardamom all the time, then you can use it by adding it to the tea. According to research, if cardamom powder is consumed, abdominal fat can be reduced. Taking it regularly does not affect the body.

Respiratory disease: If you have a cold, cough or chest congestion, cardamom is the best natural remedy to relieve these symptoms. All you have to do is add a few drops of cardamom essential oil to the pot of hot water while steaming.

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Healthy Heart: Include cardamom in your daily diet or drink only cardamom tea for the health benefits of your heart. It is very helpful in maintaining high blood pressure.

Acidity: Chew cardamom regularly after every meal. The best way to remove acidity is to avoid sitting immediately after eating, instead take a walk for a while chewing cardamom which will make you feel better.

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Digestive system: If you have digestive problems or indigestion, then you should take cardamom. Alternatively, patients can drink cardamom tea in the morning to strengthen their digestive system and detoxify. Take two to three cardamoms, a small piece of ginger, a little clove and some coriander seeds. Grind them well and eat them with warm water. It is a quick treatment for indigestion, bloating and gas.

Definitely use this fruit in winter, you will get benefit

Mouth odor: A cardamom must be chewed after meals. This not only removes the bad odor of the mouth but can also be effective in removing many problems associated with your stomach.

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