Follow these steps to get long nails soon, know here
Follow these steps to get long nails soon, know here

You can also decorate long nails by making different types of nail art. But many girls complain that their nails do not grow. Actually, nails do not grow due to calcium deficiency or any other reason. If you also want beautiful and long nails, then definitely adopt these tips.

Some people who have left chewing the nails have a dirty habit, they keep on chewing the nails. Many types of bacteria may be present in it. Which can make you sick by going through your mouth in the stomach. Chewing nails also makes a difference in their growth.

Coconut oil is also very helpful in enhancing nails. Applying this oil will moisturize and not break the nails. Add coconut oil to a bowl. Massage your nails with this oil. This will make the nails grow faster.

Orange juice Apply orange juice to the nails for 10 minutes. After this, wash hands with lukewarm water. By doing this continuously, nails will grow in a few days. Apart from this, if the oranges are eaten, after eating the remaining peel on the nails, the nails grow quickly.

Put a few drops of lemon juice in a bowl of lukewarm water. Now leave your fingers in that water for 5 minutes. Immediately put hands in cold water. Apart from this, you can also rub lemon peel on your nails. There is also plenty of lemon juice left in it.

Take garlic buds to enhance garlic nails. Now cut these buds from the middle and rub them on the nails. If you do this recipe at night, you will get more benefit. Applying garlic continuously for a few days every night will start growing nails.

Olive oil is also helpful in enhancing nails. It contains Vitamin E which provides nourishment to the nails which makes the nails grow faster. Heat olive oil and massage it on the nails for at least 3 minutes. By doing this daily, nails will grow in a few days.

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