Follow these tips to cure pimples in Monsoon
Follow these tips to cure pimples in Monsoon

In the rainy season, everyone needs to take great care of his health and body cleansing. Rain can cause a variety of infections and some tips to avoid them. At the same time, if pimple, acne occurs on your face, you can remove it from the household. Today we're going to give you a few similar tips.

* Cloves are very effective in repairing boils. Apply the flowery clove with a few drops of water on the solid surface. This will also help you relax in a few days in pus and red pimples.

* Garlic and onion juice also prove to be a panacea in curing boils. Garlic buds are useful to eat daily in the morning. While onion juice is used on a pimple, it is a comfort.

* If you are having white, yellow or red pimples anywhere in your body, it is extremely beneficial to take a bath with saltwater. Also, you can clean the pimple 2-3 times a day with the saltwater. This will reduce the infection and also help in getting the pus out.

* Neem is a natural anti-bacterial plant. Sometimes the face, hands, feet boils, and pimples are removed due to the impurity of blood. It is useful to consume the leaves of neem daily. It is also good to bathe with neem water and add neem to clean the pimple with boiled water.

* Turmeric, like neem, also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Hence, applying turmeric coating on boils or consuming turmeric milk or turmeric water helps relieve the lungs with pain.

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