Homemade: Potato face packs and tips for your glowing face!
Homemade: Potato face packs and tips for your glowing face!

Potato is one of the vegetables available in market which you always require to prepare curries at home. It might be difficult to get other vegetables or ingredients at home but getting potato at home is the easiest deal. Most of the people might not know that with the help of potatoes we can make variety of wonderful face packs.

Potato itself is very good for our skin which also works well in bringing our glow and rediscovers a new personality.

If you have formed dark circles under your eye, potato juice works like a wonder in clearing up the under eye dark circles.

Another problem which people face is the puffiness around the eye cycle. But applying the juice of potato will also easily eradicate this problem.

People with the problem of pimples and acne scar marks can get good remedy with the help of raw potato.

# Mix equal quantity of potato juice and lemon juice. Yo can even add half a tablespoon of honey. Apply it all over your face and neck and leave it for about 10 minutes and wash it off with water. This will help brighten the skin. As each of these substances absorb surplus oil, this remedy is recommended for anyone with oily skin.

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