Household Items that need to be eliminated right away!!!
Household Items that need to be eliminated right away!!!

Every year we tell ourselves, “we’re going to throw away all the old and unused stuff and buy new ones”. But does this really happen? No! we tend to cling on to our stuff like we have some connection. Like, seriously!

  • Old/ expired make-up

You don’t use cream that is more than a year old or two. If your cosmetics look a bit discoloured or has a strange odour, its time you dump those.

  • Shoes you never wear for some reason

Yes, we all have a pair or two that is never seen or heard of. Bottom line is your shoes should fit well and look good. If not, donate them or give them away.

  • Plastic Bags

Under the sink the plastic bag, filled with other grocery bags. It makes the place look messy.

  • Broken Furniture

If you have an old rusty chest of drawers or a broken chair lying in the corner of the house or a table that is chipped at the ends, it needs to go. Donate these to charity or just get rid of it.

  • Broken/ Outdates Appliances

We know how busy our lives are and there is absolutely no time to get things repaired like a broken or outdated appliance. Throw them away or replace them with brand new ones.

  • Old Papers/Coupons/Receipts

These papers, coupons, menu cards of restaurants, receipts that have accumulated in your pockets or purse, ticket stubs, old transit passes, etc., to concerts, movies and places you don't really remember going to, toss them all into the bin.

  • Expired Medicines and Ointments
  • Old batteries
  • Party favors from weddings
  • Small packs of ketchup, soy sauce, chilli sauce

Useful tips for brides to embrace the new fami..

Be What You Want To Be !

Don’t let the 'KID' inside you 'DIE'


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