Household pollutants can increase infertility risk in men
Household pollutants can increase infertility risk in men

It is very important for us to take carer of the Sexual health besides physical and mental health. People put efforts to improve physcal and mental health but do nothing for the sexual health. It is an important aspect of health and needs attention just as much as weight control or diabetes. Sexual health is affected by a lot of factors like diet, exercise, lifestyle, and also the environment we live in.

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According to a study, chemicals or pollutants in home and diet have the same adverse effect on male fertility both in humans and domestic dogs.

The study has shown these results highlighting the reduced count and quality of sperms in both species of men and dogs.

co-author Rebecca Sumner, a postdoctoral student at the University of Nottingham, Britain, said,  “We know when human sperm motility is poor, DNA fragmentation is increased and that human male infertility is linked to increased levels of DNA damage in sperm.  She further addedm “We now believe this is the same in pet dogs because they live in the same domestic environment and are exposed to the same household contaminants.”

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 Richard Lea said, “This new study supports our theory that the domestic dog is indeed 'sentinel' or mirror for the human male reproductive decline. Our findings suggest man-made chemicals, widely used in home and working environment, may be responsible for the decline in sperm quality.”

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