Houthis suffer significant setback in quest for control of Yemen's oil-rich areas
Houthis suffer significant setback  in quest for control of Yemen's oil-rich areas

SANAA: According to a military officer, recent military operations undertaken by elite Yemeni troops inflicted major defeats on the Iran-backed Houthi militia in the struggle for the country's oil-rich provinces.

The Southern Giants Brigades, supported by a Saudi-led coalition, continued to undertake a large-scale military offensive against the Houthi militia in Yemen's east on Sunday.

According to the official, the Southern Giants Brigades ejected the Houthi militia from crucial strategic locations in the country's oil-rich provinces of Shabwa and Marib after weeks of heavy combat. "The Houthis are now seeking to react by utilising ballistic missiles and explosive-laden drone assaults, in addition to planting landmines and IEDs," a pro-coalition Yemeni official said..

"Following the swift progress of the Giants Brigades on the ground, the Houthi rebels gave up fighting and abandoned their military locations in Marib and Shabwa," he claimed. According to local military sources, the Giants Brigades took the whole district of Harib in Marib from the Houthis last week after days of heavy clashes and intensified airstrikes.

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