Recruitment to various positions of process server and peon, Know the last date
Recruitment to various positions of process server and peon, Know the last date

Kurukshetra District Court: Eligible and interested candidates can apply for this job till 24.09.2019 for recruitment to the 10 vacant posts of Process Server and Peon. Please note that this is the last date to apply. You should apply for this job as soon as possible. Eligible and interested candidates can know the last date to apply, application fee, selection process for the job, the age limit for the job, details of the posts, the names of the posts, educational qualifications for the job, total number of posts related to the job like below.

Post Name - Process Server & Peon

Total Posts - 10

Location - Kurukshetra

Age Limit:

The minimum age of the candidates for this post should not be less than 18 years. The upper age limit has been kept at 42 years. However, age relaxation will be given to the reserved category candidates under the rules of the government.

Selection Process:

To be eligible for the job, the candidates must first appear in the interview.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates go to the official website and read the notification. Candidates can appear for interview on 24 September 2019 The Superintendent, Office of the District and Sessions Judge, Kurukshetra, Haryana.

Vacancy for the posts of Junior Technical Assistant, Laboratory Assistant-III, Salary Rs 22,000

VBU Hazaribagh : Recruitment for these posts, salary Rs 36,000

Vacancy for the post of Technician, Junior Assistant, Salary Rs. 20000

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