8 Tips to get rid of biting nails habit
8 Tips to get rid of biting nails habit

Many times you have seen people biting their nails. This is such an irritating habit for others to look at. It not only damages your nails but also harms your teeth. People who have this sort of habit subconsciously take their hands into their mouth.
Here are few tips to get rid of this bad habit.

- Cut your nails from time to time. This way you will have short nails and you won't have anything to bite.
- Be committed to letting go of this habit. Keep a reminder on your phone or put up sticky notes in front of your desk.
- Get a manicure often and then you will never have the heart to bite those pretty nails.
- Calcium deficiency is one of the reasons why you have the urge to bite your nails. So, maintain a healthy diet which includes milk products.
- Whenever you have the urge to bite your nails, distract yourself.
- If nothing works, try applying a deterrent like a neem paste or black pepper.
- Find out why you feel like biting your nails. If it is because of stress then get yourself treated.
- Get rid of the habit 
by wearing a wristband and keep snapping it each time you have the urge to bite your nails.

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