How to confess your love to a girl or boy whom you like
How to confess your love to a girl or boy whom you like

First love often comes precisely at your young age. Even if you are not quite an adult, feelings can be very real and serious. What if you like someone from a class or company? A declaration of love is a crucial step and not everyone can decide on this. But living in uncertainty is even worse. How to declare love to a guy or girl, so that they reciprocate or at least do not deny feelings?

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Let's try to find answers separately for girls and guys. After all, you are very different from each other, and according to your psychological personality. Society imposes its own specific frameworks and norms of behavior on boys and girls, therefore it is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of how to admit feelings cannot be.

How can a Boy confess love to a girl

If you are a young man, secretly sighing for a girl from a class or school, then you are more fortunate. Indeed, since ancient times, it has gone that men confess feelings to beautiful ladies, care for them and achieve mutual feelings. Believe me, the girl admit that she likes a guy, much harder.

To declare love for a girl can be different. It is not necessary to speak directly the cherished words "I love you." How to confess to a girl so that she understands your secret promises?

  •    Show your masculine qualities with her. Help carry a briefcase, protect it from offenders, escort to the house after school and walks. In a word, show that you care about her, that you are worried about her.
  •    More often communicate with the girl on topics that are interesting not only to you. Get to know the inner world of a girl that you like a lot, ask what she is dreaming about.
  •     Help the girl in solving difficult problems. These can be problems with lessons and control questions, as well as other questions. For example, you can teach her to ride a bike or roller skates.
  •    More often communicate with the girl in social networks, show signs of attention. Show that you like her photos, etc.
  •     Invite the girl to whom you have secret feelings, on joint walks.
  •     Give the beloved girl small gifts and presents. Even if you give her a bouquet of wild flowers, she will understand about your feelings.

To make a declaration of love, it’s not necessary to talk directly about your feelings. Show your behavior that you like the girl, but do not shift the entire initiative to the beloved. You don’t have to say “I love you”, you can start with neutral wording - “I like you”, “You are nice”, “I like to communicate with you”. Do not be afraid of failure.

Unrequited love often remains so, because the one whom they love is not even aware of the feelings. It is better to admit and get rejected than to suffer from uncertainty. Although this also has a plus. You can start writing poetry or do other creative work. But, nevertheless, it is worthwhile to gain courage and say the cherished words of the beloved. Or at least write them in a note.

How can a girl confess love to a guy

Girls are less fortunate. There is a stereotype in society that the beautiful half does not need to take the initiative and be the first to admit to feelings. Some guys start to enjoy the love of girls and behave with them not very honest and gentlemanly. Therefore, you, as a girl, it is difficult to take the first step.

But fortunately, the guys also understand the hints that the girl is not indifferent to them. You can confess feelings to a guy without saying first “I love you”. How to do it?

  •    Show to the guy who likes sincere interest in him. Learn about his hobbies, try to find common topics. If you first make friends with a young man, it will be easier to confess your love.
  •    Show some coquetry. Girls can “make eyes” and smile affably. With the help of a look and a smile let the young man understand that you are not indifferent to him.
  •    Sometimes it's easier to write about feelings than to say. Try to write in a social network that you like to communicate with the guy, give him a compliment about his appearance or mind, his abilities.
  •     Unobtrusively compliments the guy you like, how strong and brave he is, etc. Men love it when women admire them and appreciate their masculine qualities. It is possible that you will have mutual sympathy.
  •    Ask your friends“by chance” to tell the guy that you have feelings for him. If he also has feelings for you, he will be glad and can take the initiative.

Do not be afraid to be rejected. Understand whether you like a guy, you can towards you. If he is friendly and not rude, does not behave arrogantly, then he will answer your confessions in feelings calmly and without insults. If you do not confess your love to a guy and suffer in silence, then the chances that you will be together are practically zero.

And if you decide and hint or say directly that you like the young man, then your chances of mutual feelings grow by 50%. But even if the guy does not answer you in return, unrequited love is always good. Not all people can experience this bright feeling. Then, years later, you will warmly recall your youthful love, but for now drive away sad thoughts and think only of good things.

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