How to express love without saying 'I Love You'
How to express love without saying 'I Love You'

Females are more expressive than males. When it comes to express their love for a men, women are more open as compared to men.While women love to hear the three magical words from their partner. Males are more likely to see things done for them as an expression of love.

There are many ways through which women can express her love to her partner.

When you are with him, be completely with him

Mobile phones are a great distraction these days. Try to avoid attend phone calls or texting while he's with you. Listen to him, make eye contact, hold his hands and let him feel that this time you only want to be with him.

Be the way, he wants you to be

We are not talking about changing yourself but sometimes wearing the dress he loves to see you in, cooking his favorite dish or sometimes watching cricket with him will show your affection for him. 

Admire him

Who doesn't like admiration? Your little admiration for his new dress, the new haircut or their work can create a magic. Your compliments mean a lot to him and make him feel proud as to why you opted for him over other guys. 

Hug him, say thank you

A warm hug has the power to heal anything. Express your love through a warm and gentle hug; it would certainly fill both of you with positive and loving emotions. 

The different ways to kiss when you are in a relationship!

The things 'Women' look for in a 'Man'.


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