Oil stains can be easily removed from clothes like this
Oil stains can be easily removed from clothes like this

Oil stains damage the brain when they are attached to the clothes. This is because it completely spoils our clothes because it is very difficult to remove them. Well, it's not really like that. Yes, even if there are stains that have been set a few days old, they can be removed with a little effort. Today we are going to tell you how you can remove oil stains from your clothes.

How to remove oil stains from everyday clothes:

paper towel
Baking soda
Old Toothbrush

Dish soap

Method - First soak the excess oil with a paper towel. Try using plain, white paper towels during this time as coloured paper can leave colour on your clothes. Now you have to apply a good thick layer to the stain. In the meantime, if you don't have baking soda, try using cornstarch instead. Now leave baking soda on the cloth for 30 to 60 minutes to dry, and then rub the place with the help of a toothbrush. In the meantime, you will see that it will start gathering. That's because soda has absorbed the oil. The banking soda also pulls the colour of the oil. In the meantime, a little baking soda may remain on your clothes. Don't worry though! It is normal and will get out of the clothes at the time of washing. You may also have to repeat the same steps for stubborn stains.

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