How to make card payment in flights without internet?
How to make card payment in flights without internet?

In today's digital age, making payments for various services and purchases has become incredibly convenient, thanks to the internet. However, when you find yourself on a flight without access to the web, you may wonder how to make card payments for in-flight services or products. Fear not, as there are still ways to complete card transactions even without an internet connection. In this guide, we will explore the steps to make card payments in flights without internet access.

1. In-Flight Point-of-Sale System

Most airlines provide a point-of-sale (POS) system for in-flight purchases. Flight attendants carry handheld devices equipped with POS software that allows you to make card payments. Here's how to use it:

  • Call for Assistance: When you wish to make a payment, simply press the call button or request assistance from a flight attendant.

  • Select Items: Browse the in-flight menu or catalog and choose the items you want to purchase.

  • Payment Process: The flight attendant will assist you in processing your card payment using their handheld POS device.

  • Confirm and Sign: After entering your card details, you will be asked to confirm the payment amount. Sign the digital receipt on the screen to complete the transaction.

2. Preloaded Payment Cards

Consider purchasing preloaded payment cards before your flight. These cards are often available at airport kiosks or retail stores. Here's how they work:

  • Purchase a Preloaded Card: Buy a preloaded payment card with the desired amount loaded onto it.

  • Keep It Handy: Carry the preloaded card with you on the flight.

  • Use for In-Flight Purchases: When you want to buy something during the flight, simply present the preloaded card to the flight attendant for payment.

  • Transaction Confirmation: The flight attendant will process the payment, and you'll receive a receipt for your purchase.

3. Cash Transactions

While card payments are convenient, don't forget that cash is universally accepted. Here's how to use cash for in-flight purchases:

  • Carry Sufficient Cash: Before boarding the flight, make sure you have enough cash in the local currency or USD, as many airlines prefer cash payments.

  • Exchange Currency: If you're traveling internationally, consider exchanging currency at the airport before your flight to ensure you have the right bills.

  • Payment Process: When you want to make a purchase, present the cash to the flight attendant, who will provide you with any change if needed.

4. In-Flight Entertainment System

Some airlines offer an in-flight entertainment system that allows you to make card payments for various services, such as renting movies or ordering special meals. Here's how to use it:

  • Access the System: Use your personal in-flight entertainment screen to access the payment system.

  • Choose Services: Browse the available services and select the ones you want.

  • Card Payment: When prompted, enter your card details directly into the entertainment system.

  • Confirmation: Confirm the payment, and the system will deduct the amount from your card.

5. Mobile Payment Apps

If you have a mobile payment app linked to your credit or debit card, you might be able to use it for in-flight purchases, even without internet access. Here's how:

  • Download the App: Before your flight, ensure you have the mobile payment app installed on your device.

  • Set Up Offline Mode: Some payment apps allow you to enable an offline mode. Activate this feature before your flight.

  • Make Payments: When making a purchase, open the app and follow the prompts to complete the payment.

Even without an internet connection, you can still make card payments for in-flight services and products using the methods outlined above. Whether it's using the airline's point-of-sale system, preloaded payment cards, cash, the in-flight entertainment system, or mobile payment apps, you have options to enjoy a seamless in-flight shopping and dining experience. Bon voyage!

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