Pumice stone can be useful for decorating home, Here's how to use
Pumice stone can be useful for decorating home, Here's how to use

The first thing that comes to your mind as soon as you hear the name of Pumice Stone, will be an image of clean soft feet. Usually, women in homes use pumice stone to flush out dead skin cells of the feet, which makes their feet soft. But its use is not limited to this only.

If you want, you can use it in your home in many best ways. It helps in cleaning the house. It is possible that till now you too have been using pumice stone in only one work but after reading this article your thinking towards Pumice stone will change. We are giving you information about some unique uses of Pumice Stone.

You can make your home fragrant with the help of a pumice stone in your bathroom. For this, you take a bowl and fill half essential oil in it. You can use any oil diffuser of your choice. Now dip the pumice stone in the oil. Also, take a mesh bag and dip it in the bowl. Now put the pumice stone in a mesh bag and then hang it anywhere in your house. It will fragrant your home. To keep the house always smelling, keep adding a few drops of oil to it every other week.

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