Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan's film 'Super 30' is set to be released soon. All are waiting for it. Meanwhile, Hrithik's funny video on social media is going viral. Many of his videos and photos keep coming to the fore. Then, in this video, Hrithik Roshan on Bhojpuri songs Lagavelu Jab Tu lipstick, Hilella Sara,'s dissecting songs. Hrithik's video is from the shooting set of his film Super 30, which is extremely funny. Let's tell you.
Hrithik dances fiercely with his onscreen students on this song. The team members are also dancing with him. Sharing this video, Hrithik wrote, "A different side of the team. I enjoyed working with my young co-stars. They're all from different backgrounds and most of them have faced the camera for the first time." watch the video here.
In the video, Hrithik's look looks like a cool one. In the video, Hrithik is wearing a cap with cut-sleeves T-shirt. The film is based on the story of Anand Kumar, founder of The Super 30 Coaching. The film will feature Hrithik Anand Kumar playing the role. In the Super 30s, Hrithik Roshan's look is loved by people, not just the way he is speaking Bhojpuri, but he is very fond of fans.
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