The decision to spread the latest information through the department
The decision to spread the latest information through the department

Amaravati: The state government has announced a large scale campaign to ensure that the people are together and live together in the villages without any grouping and conflict in the upcoming panchayat elections. If the sarpanch and ward members elections are unanimous, the government will receive a maximum of Rs 20 lakh for the development of the village. The government wants to make the development of the villagers and not the elections in green villages. In this context, the Information Department was directed to provide a wide publicity for the government's announcement of the unanimous public ity in the panchayat elections.

It is known that the state government announced these initiatives on March 12, 2020, with the intention of not breaking into communities and putting the village in to the trouble. In a year period, all grants from the Central and State Governments will be funded by incentives to the unanimous gram panchayats rather than the money collected in the form of house tax. The villages that are struggling with the lack of funds are likely to get huge funds in the way of unanimously making panchayat elections.

The state government has decided to widespread publicity through the Information Department about the incentive funds provided to the unanimity villages to ensure peaceful atmosphere in the villages in the wake of the nomination spurt for the first phase of panchayat elections from 29th of this month. The chief secretary of the government Adityanath Das has issued a fresh order. In the latest order, CS reminded that the panchayat elections were decided in March 2020 and the maximum incentive of Rs 20 lakh was issued on March 12 last year. The orders said that it is appropriate to once again report on the unanimous incentive funds announced by the government after the electionwas postponed without the release of the notification of the Panchayat elections due to the corona.

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