How to Boost Children's Appetite in Summer: Follow These Tricks
How to Boost Children's Appetite in Summer: Follow These Tricks

Maintaining children's health in any weather condition poses quite a challenge. Children often throw tantrums when it comes to food, which can result in them not receiving adequate nutrition, making them prone to falling ill quickly. While providing healthy meals can deter most children, it's also essential to provide them with proper nutrition for better growth. Otherwise, it can directly impact their development.

As the summer season sets in, both adults and children experience a decrease in appetite. During this weather, it's crucial to offer children food that not only fills their stomachs but also provides them with sufficient nourishment. Parents often worry about their children's dietary habits. Here are some tips to help you pay special attention to your children's diet:

1. Offer a Liquid Diet
To provide children with ample nutrition during the summer, offer them plenty of liquid diets. This ensures they don't feel dehydrated and can enjoy their day with energy. Additionally, these drinks help keep their bodies cool. You can include:

Fresh fruit juices: Oranges, watermelon, and pineapple juices are refreshing and full of vitamins.
Smoothies: Blending fruits with yogurt or milk can make a nutritious and appealing drink for children.
Herbal teas and coconut water: These are hydrating and have natural electrolytes.

2. Avoid Skipping Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; never let your child skip it. Even if your child wakes up late in the morning, give them a light breakfast instead of directly offering lunch. For breakfast, you can provide children with options like:

Porridge: Made with oats, milk, and fruits, it's a wholesome meal.
Soup: Vegetable or chicken soups are nutritious and light.
Upma: A South Indian dish made from semolina, it's light and nutritious.
Fresh fruit salads: A mix of various fresh fruits can be both tasty and healthy.

3. Avoid Oily Foods
Children often insist on eating unhealthy snacks in the evening. Instead of giving in to their demands, prepare healthy snacks at home. Instead of unhealthy snacks, you can make:

Roasted fox nuts (makhana): These are crunchy and healthy.
Chickpea salad: Boiled chickpeas mixed with vegetables and light seasoning.
Corn on the cob: Grilled or boiled corn can be a delicious snack.

4. Don't Overfeed at Once
While trying to fill their stomachs, avoid giving children too much food at once. Overeating can lead to digestive issues. Therefore, provide small meals to young children every 2 hours. This ensures they are not overloaded with food and helps in better digestion. Some small meal ideas include:

Mini sandwiches: Whole grain bread with fillings like cucumber, cheese, or peanut butter.
Yogurt with fruits: A bowl of yogurt mixed with their favorite fruits.
Vegetable sticks with dip: Carrot, cucumber sticks with a healthy dip like hummus or yogurt-based dip.

5. Include Hydrating Foods
Summer can lead to dehydration, and including hydrating foods in their diet can help maintain their hydration levels. Some hydrating foods include:

Cucumber: High in water content, cucumber can be included in salads or eaten raw.
Watermelon: This fruit is not only hydrating but also loved by most children.
Tomatoes: Can be added to salads or sandwiches.

6. Encourage Outdoor Play
Engaging in outdoor activities can stimulate appetite. Ensure your children play outside in the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Physical activity can naturally make them feel hungrier.

7. Make Meals Fun
Children are more likely to eat food that looks appealing. Use colorful fruits and vegetables to make their plates attractive. You can create fun shapes with food, use interesting plates, and involve them in meal preparation.

8. Set a Routine
Having a consistent meal and snack routine helps regulate children's hunger. Serve meals at the same time each day, and avoid giving snacks too close to mealtime to ensure they are hungry enough to eat their meals.

9. Be a Role Model
Children often mimic their parents' eating habits. Eat healthy foods yourself and show enthusiasm about healthy eating. This positive behavior can encourage them to follow suit.

Maintaining children's health and ensuring they receive proper nutrition can be challenging, especially during the summer when appetite tends to decrease. However, by following these simple tips, you can ensure that your children stay healthy and energetic throughout the season.

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