If someone comes in front of you with a heart attack, then do this work immediately
If someone comes in front of you with a heart attack, then do this work immediately

Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, is a group of problems related to the heart and blood flow. It can lead to a variety of health conditions, ranging from heart attacks to problems with blood circulation. This disease mainly causes blockage in the arteries that carry blood to the heart, leading to heart disease. The most common of these is coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as coronary heart disease (CHD).

Types of heart diseases

Cardiovascular diseases cause many types of problems, such as:

Coronary heart disease (CHD) - Blockage in the veins carrying blood to the heart.
Cerebrovascular disease - Problems related to blood flow to the brain.
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) - Blockage in the veins of the arms and legs.
Arrhythmia - Irregular heartbeat.
Cardiomyopathy - Problems related to the heart muscle.
Heart failure - Condition in which the heart does not function properly.

Status of heart diseases in India

In the last few years, the risk of heart diseases has increased rapidly in India. Especially in people under the age of 45, the cases of coronary artery disease (CAD) have increased by 100 percent. This disease is now being seen even in women under the age of 25, which was rare earlier. In India, the risk of heart disease in women aged 45 to 54 is much higher than in America.

The growing risk for women

Cases of heart disease are increasing rapidly among women. The percentage of coronary artery bypass surgeries has also increased in the last few decades. In the 1980s, this surgery was 6 percent, which has now reached 15 percent.

Negligence of people and increasing disease

Experts say that people are not aware about their health. They spend on food and entertainment, but are negligent in getting the necessary medical tests done. The risk of heart diseases has increased further after Covid-19, because people are still not exercising regularly. Even doing excessive exercise can have a bad effect on the heart. Heart disease has become a serious problem in today's time. To prevent this, it is important that people pay attention to their health, get regular checkups done and adopt a balanced lifestyle.

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