If the baby is vomiting after drinking milk, then it is not normal.
If the baby is vomiting after drinking milk, then it is not normal.

Vomiting after drinking milk is considered to be very common in babies. Let me tell you all that there are many reasons for The Shishu to vomit. Some of them are common such as drinking too much milk or not getting a bite. Although it is not such a serious issue to vomit Shishu, let me tell you that this problem can sometimes prove to be dangerous.

In fact, in some cases, it indicates serious diseases such as nematitis, insects in the intestines of the stomach, allergies. The problem of vomiting if vomiting.   If this problem is not resolved within a few hours, contact the doctor first. In fact, if your child also gets vomiting after drinking milk, then we tell you what can be the serious reason behind it and also how to prevent vomiting.  

In these situations, it is normal for the baby to vomit-

- When you give a solid diet to Shishu after breastfeeding, then at that time the child can get vomited but this is such a big problem, at this time, the repeated vomiting of Shishu is not the cause of such a serious problem, but it is because of this. Shishu is keeping pace with his diet, his body is growing, which can be reversed for the first time in digesting the diet, while in some time this problem is also cured.

- In the initial weeks, if you travel with your child, then even shishu can get vomited.  

- If Shishu has been crying or coughing for a long time, he may still vomit.  

In these situations, it is serious to vomit the baby-

- It is normal to have vomiting for a few weeks after starting a solid diet, but even after a few months, vomiting is still coming, then it can be a symptom of stomach infection.  

- Due to being a dasta or dieriya, Sishu can also vomit.  

- If Sheshu has an infection in his ear or cold, he can also vomit.

- Even if there is an allergy to food, Sishu can vomit.

- This can also happen if there are worms in the intestine of Shishu.  

Prevent the problem of vomiting like this:
- Do not allow Shishu to become more active after milking or eating anything, if Sheshu will move more after eating, then there may be a problem of vomiting.

- From time to time, if you give some food to Shishu, then he will not have the problem of vomiting.  

- If the baby vomits after drinking the milk, then the hole in the barrel may be too big or you may be giving him more milk.  
- After feeding the milk to Shishu or after breastfeeding or eating anything, you must take dakar.

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