If the hands are cold in the winter then these measures will help you
If the hands are cold in the winter then these measures will help you

Many people have the problem of having cold feet in winter weather, if you have a problem with hand-foot cooling in winter, then today we are giving you some easy tips for which you can use your hands The problem of cold will be solved,  

1- Consumption of cinnamon is very beneficial for our health; Cinnamon contains plenty of vitamin B, manganese, potassium and many other nutrients, the nutrients present in it improve the flow of blood in the body, if you Regularly drink a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of lukewarm water, then it clears the time for the hand parakeet to cool down,

2- The use of turmeric has been used to improve the health of the old time, in which there is a rich amount of kerculin that works to keep the blood circulation in the body, if your hands are cooled down Mixing turmeric and honey in a gas hot milk removes the problem of hand and foot cooling. 
3- Garlic has plenty of antiviral properties, if you regularly take a garlic gourd in the empty stomach in the morning, then it can be avoided by the problem of hand and foot cooling. 

4- Amla is present in abundance of vitamins. To avoid the problem of having cold feet of hands, add two apples to your food,

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