If the nose gets clogged again and again in the monsoon, then these tips will give relief
If the nose gets clogged again and again in the monsoon, then these tips will give relief

Coughs, colds, and blocked noses are common during the rainy season, when dengue fever, malaria, allergies, and fungal infections start spreading quickly. To alleviate it, the majority of people take medications. However, you should attempt a few at-home treatments for constipation.

The monsoon season brings with it an abundance of greenery and a very refreshing change in the environment. However, it also has a lot of drawbacks. Rain showers also bring some unwelcome visitors, who are the root of disease and infection. Along with this, the issue of a congested or blocked nose is also frequently encountered. Breathing becomes challenging due to the weather change and rising humidity, which also makes breathing uncomfortable.

Although there is a medical solution for this issue, there are also some home remedies that can be used first. Our elders have relied on these for years. To treat a stuffy nose during the monsoon, there are many reliable natural remedies available.

What should I do to get rid of a stuffy nose?

Take steam

Steam inhalation can help break up mucus in the nasal airways and offer immediate relief. Simply boil some water, pour it into a bowl, wrap a towel around your head, and lean over the bowl while attempting to breathe through your nose. For a few minutes, continue doing this. Do this procedure two or three times daily.

Saline nose rinse

Additionally, this works well for clearing up a stuffy nose. All you have to do is rinse your nose with a saltwater solution. To do this, gently clean the nasal passages with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of warm water. You can use a neti pot, which is made especially for this, as assistance. However, it's also important to exercise some caution.

Hot compress

By placing a warm compress on the face, nasal congestion can also be relieved. Swelling may also be reduced by doing this. Place a clean cloth on your nose and forehead for a few minutes after dipping it in warm water and wringing out the excess.

Stay hydrated

There are plenty of liquid items, such as water, herbal teas, and hot soups, that can help thin the mucus and reduce nasal congestion.

Ginger tea

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve nasal congestion. Prepare ginger tea by boiling chopped ginger in water for a few minutes. Add a little honey and sip the tea while it is hot.

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