if visiting higher altitudes, remain alert about "altitude sickness"
if visiting higher altitudes, remain alert about

Mountains represent peace, they represent isolation from the outer world and surrounding yourself with you and things and thoughts which are totally yours.

Hence mountains have always been a major attraction for tourists and travellers who seek peace.

But here is an important aspect you need to be aware of.

Ever felt drowsiness on reaching a higher altitude. The major cause of this drowsiness is, the fact that, with increasing altitude, the oxygen content in the air reduces, which leads to altitude sickness, characterized by nausea followed by vomiting, headache, anaemia. Also, since the oxygen reaching to our various organs, majorly including the heart and the brain, lead to their reduced performance.

Lesser blood reaching the brain may cause faintness and blurred vision.

You need to know that the reduced activity of the heart may eventually lead to major heart issues like, ‘Angina’ (acute chest pain). In case of any such circumstances, the patient must consult a doctor.

If the condition gets worse, it may prove fatal.

Patients suffering from Asthma or any major respiratory disorder and also patients with a cardiac disorder or who have undergone a heart surgery are suggested not to visit such places situated at higher altitudes.

Gradually, the body starts adapting towards the climate, our RBC (red blood cell) count increases to facilitate more oxygen transport. Hence Altitude sickness gets cured itself.

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