If you have to go to office and also have to fast, then do things at night only, there will be no tension in the morning
If you have to go to office and also have to fast, then do things at night only, there will be no tension in the morning

In today's fast-paced world, many individuals find themselves managing multiple responsibilities, often having to juggle the demands of office life with the commitment to fasting for religious or personal reasons. This dual challenge can be particularly daunting in the morning when time is limited and stress levels tend to spike. However, there are practical and effective steps that can be taken to streamline your morning routine, minimize anxiety, and ensure a seamless transition between fasting and work.

Plan Ahead

Before diving into the nuances of simplifying your morning, let's explore the art of planning and how it can make a significant difference in your daily life.

Choose Your Outfit

Selecting your attire for the day ahead is a simple yet effective strategy to save time and reduce morning stress. The night before, decide on the clothing you'll wear to work, ensuring that it's clean and well-pressed. Lay it out, along with any necessary accessories, so you can easily slip into it without rummaging through your wardrobe in the morning. This practice not only saves time but also allows you to make confident fashion choices without feeling rushed.

Pack Your Bag

If your workday involves carrying specific items such as a laptop, documents, or personal essentials, make sure your bag is packed and ready to go the night before. This proactive approach ensures that you don't forget crucial items and eliminates last-minute chaos. Being organized with your bag can significantly reduce morning tension, allowing you to begin your day with a clear and focused mind.

Prepare Your Meals

Fasting often necessitates abstaining from food and drink during specific hours. To guarantee a smooth morning routine, it's vital to make thoughtful preparations related to your meals.


Suhoor, the pre-fast meal before sunrise, is a vital source of energy and nourishment for the day. Preparing this meal the night before is a wise strategy. Opt for foods that are both nutritious and filling, providing you with the stamina to endure the fast. Complex carbohydrates, protein-rich options, and hydrating fruits should be included. Planning your suhoor in advance allows you to make deliberate dietary choices, ensuring you're adequately fueled throughout the day.


If you anticipate breaking your fast at the office, a thoughtful approach to preparing your iftar (the meal at sunset) is essential. Preparing your iftar meal or snacks in advance ensures that you have something readily available when it's time to eat. This eliminates the need to rush in search of sustenance, contributing to a calm and stress-free evening at the workplace.


Remaining adequately hydrated is crucial, particularly if your fast requires abstaining from water during certain hours. Let's delve into a comprehensive strategy for managing your hydration.

Pre-Fast Hydration

Before the fast commences, be sure to consume a sufficient amount of water. Staying well-hydrated before sunrise is essential to endure the day comfortably. Aim to drink a glass of water or two to hydrate your body adequately. Dehydration can lead to discomfort and decreased alertness, so this step is fundamental for a smooth fasting experience.

Post-Fast Hydration

At the time of iftar, have a bottle of water ready to quench your thirst. It's essential to rehydrate slowly and mindfully to prevent discomfort. Sip water gradually and give your body the chance to absorb it effectively. Proper post-fast hydration helps in maintaining your overall well-being and energy levels as you transition into the evening.

Time Management

Efficient time management is the cornerstone of a stress-free morning when balancing work commitments and fasting. Let's explore this aspect in detail.

Set Alarms

The practice of setting alarms is a time management tool that can help you wake up on time and adhere to your fasting and work schedule. Ensure your alarms are positioned strategically throughout your morning to keep you on track and minimize stress. Avoid the last-minute rush by waking up with enough time to prepare, pray, and enjoy your suhoor before beginning your fast.

Prioritize Tasks

To make the most of your morning, it's essential to identify your most important tasks and focus on them. Determine what needs to be accomplished before leaving for the office. Prioritizing your tasks enables you to allocate your time efficiently and reduces feelings of being overwhelmed. Start with the most critical tasks, and once they are completed, you can confidently proceed with other responsibilities.


Mental preparation and a positive mindset play a significant role in simplifying your morning routine.

Meditation and Prayer

Before the hustle and bustle of the day begins, spend some time in meditation or prayer to center yourself. These moments of reflection can provide clarity and calm, allowing you to face the day with a composed and balanced mind. Engage in spiritual practices that resonate with you, connecting with your inner self and preparing for a day that involves both work and fasting.

Positive Affirmations

Embracing positive affirmations is a powerful way to boost your confidence and reduce anxiety. Remind yourself of your capabilities and strengths. Repeating positive affirmations can help alleviate the pressure of a hectic morning. Affirmations can be related to your work, your fasting journey, or any other aspect of your life that you find important. These positive self-messages can set a tone of optimism for the day ahead.

Take Shortcuts

Simplifying your morning routine also involves looking for practical shortcuts that save time and reduce stress.

Minimal Makeup

Consider streamlining your makeup routine. Opt for a minimalistic approach that allows you to look polished without spending excessive time in front of the mirror. This not only saves you time but also helps you feel more natural and at ease during the day.

Simple Hairstyles

Choose a hairstyle that's easy to maintain, especially if you're in a rush. Simple hairstyles, such as a ponytail or bun, can be quickly put together and require minimal upkeep. This is especially helpful when your time is limited and you want to look presentable without added stress.

Stay Organized

Organization is a key factor in reducing morning tension. Let's explore practical strategies to maintain order in your morning routine.

Use Checklists

Create a checklist that outlines the tasks and items you need to complete and carry with you. A checklist is a visual guide that ensures you don't forget anything essential. It helps you stay on top of your responsibilities and reduces the chances of last-minute panic.


Keep your workspace and personal areas tidy. A clutter-free environment can significantly enhance your morning routine. When everything is in its place, you won't waste time searching for items. This tidiness contributes to a sense of calm and control, allowing you to start your day with a serene mindset. In conclusion, finding the balance between office life and fasting in the morning doesn't have to be a source of tension. With thoughtful planning, meal preparation, hydration management, time allocation, mindfulness, the use of shortcuts, and organizational strategies, you can streamline your morning routine and navigate your daily responsibilities with ease. By adopting these practices, you can ensure that your mornings are stress-free, allowing you to focus on your work and your spiritual journey with a composed and balanced mind.

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