If you want to stay healthy, eat sprouted moong daily
If you want to stay healthy, eat sprouted moong daily

Moong dal is very beneficial for health. It is non-calorie intake and contains plenty of vitamins A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E. It also contains essential nutrients like magnesium, copper, fiber, potassium, iron, today we are going to tell you the benefits of eating sprouted moong every morning.

1- Sprouted moong contains a lot of amino acids and polyphenols. Which prevent the spread of cancer cells in the body. Consuming sprouted moong daily prevents cancer.

2- Consumption of sprouted moong is beneficial for people who have high blood pressure problems. It is non-existent in sodium due to which its consumption keeps cholesterol levels and blood pressure under control. In addition, consuming sprouted moong also helps in digestion, liver, immunity power, stomach related problems.

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