IGNOU December Exam 2017 admit cards released, download hall ticket from ignou.ac.in
IGNOU December Exam 2017 admit cards released, download hall ticket from ignou.ac.in

Hall tickets for Indira Gandhi National Open University, IGNOU end term examination scheduled to start in December 2017 have been released. Candidates who have registered for the December end term exams are required to download the admit cards from the official website

ignou.ac.in. The facility would be available on the website from today until the examination. Steps on how to download hall tickets are provided below.

Please note, IGNOU would not be mailing the admit cards to the registered candidates. All the examinees are required to download the same from the official website. Candidates without the admit cards or hall tickets would not be granted permission to enter the examination hall. Also, the schedule for the examination registered for would also be available along with the admit card.

Steps to download IGNOU End Term December 2017 Exam Admit Cards
-Candidates can go to the link for downloading the IGNOU December 2017 Exam Admit cards here
-A new window would open
-Candidates would be required to enter their enrollment number and the program they are registered for and click submit
-The admit card would be displayed on the screen
-Candidates are required to click on download and print.

Please note, candidates are required to carry a printed copy of their admit cards to the examination hall. Also, all candidates are requested to check the details on the admit card for any error. Any error should be immediately reported. IGNOU December 2017 examinations start from December 1 and end on December 23.

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