Impress your family members with this yummy and easy Aloo Ka Bharta Recipe
Impress your family members with this yummy and easy Aloo Ka Bharta Recipe

Necessary Ingredients:

Potato - 7-8 n (boiled),
Onion - 02 nos.
Tomato- 01 Nos.
Green chillies – 02 नग,
Red chili powder - 01 teaspoons,
Garam masala powder - 1/2 teaspoon,
Salt - according to taste

For tempering:
Red chillies - 02 nos (total),
Garlic - 4-5 buds,
Pure ghee - 01 tbsp.


Method of making Aloo Ka Bharta:

Peel the potatoes and keep them aside in water. Peel the onions and cut them finely. Peel the garlic and grind it into small pieces and also cut green chilies finely.

Now add chopped onions, tomatoes, red chili powder, garam masala powder and salt to taste and mix well.

Now heat ghee in a frying pan . After adding ghee, add garlic and red chilies to it and fry it.

Now add the tempering mixture to the potato mixture and mix it well with the help of a spoon.

Let the ingredients cook for some time. Once your Aloo Ka Bharta is cooked, take it off the stove. Now your delicious Aloo Ka Bharta is ready. Take it in the serving plate and serve it with a hot Roti, paratha or bread and impress your family members with this finger licking dish.

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