Imran's govt swung into action before voting on no-confidence motion, made this big announcement
Imran's govt swung into action before voting on no-confidence motion, made this big announcement

Today is going to be an important day in Pakistan's politics. The no-confidence motion against Imran Khan is scheduled to be negotiated in Pakistan's national assembly today. Pakistan's opposition parties PML-N and PPP have moved a no-confidence motion against Imran Khan's government saying that Imran has lost his majority in parliament and he will have to resign immediately.  

Pakistan's Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid, who has been in the news for his statements, has said that he can become a television anchor after Ramzan. Talking to reporters, he said, "I am not an associate of PTI. I have never been a member of my party. I have done politics on my own. I am coming as a TV anchor after Ramzan. Opposition leaders have started arriving at the National Assembly in Islamabad.'' At the same time, ahead of the vote on the no-confidence motion, the leader of the opposition Shahbaz Sharif has said that no one can stop voting against Imran Khan.  

The Imran government has swung into action ahead of the vote on the no-confidence motion. The government has removed Punjab Governor Chaudhary Muhammad Sarwar from his post. The new Governor of Punjab will be announced later. According to the constitution there, the deputy speaker will be the acting governor. An attempt has been made to attack former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in Central London following the ongoing political turmoil in Pakistan. PML-N leader Maryam Sharif tweeted that a man tried to attack Nawaz Sharif outside his office in London, hitting him with his phone and injuring the guard.  

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