Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh got wedded last month and since then they are either hosting wedding receptions or gracing the same of others celebs. When their own wedding festivities got ended, they joined Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' reception and soon after ace comedian Kapil Sharma's as well.
This time the couple turned out many heads on the special screening of Simmba. Simmba is the remake of Jr NTR's Temper. It is slated to release on big screen this Friday. The power couple was joined by Karan Johar and Rohit Shetty as well.
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Simmba tells a Bhalerao who hails from the same place as Singham but doesn't have the similar and main beliefs. As we all know that Bajirao Singham puts honesty and loyalty before everything else, but Simmba is shamelessly crooked.
But then something actually severe happens to him and he turns a new leaf. In the movie Sara Ali Khan will be back on the silver screen after her first release Kedarnath.
In the movie cameo by Ajay Devgn is also featured. In fact in the trailer the most lovable and attractive secene was of him.