Hyderabad: The Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav committee on Sunday alleged that the government lacks integrity. Neither the Advocate General nor the Additional Advocate General, even an experienced public prosecutor, did not attend the crucial hearing regarding the immersion. When the court had directed him to file an affidavit, the government did not file all the papers.
The committee said, the government had sent a young and inexperienced public prosecutor for hearing on this important issue. The government issued GO 233 on 27 July 2001, which stated that only idols made of plaster of Paris would be used. Why did the government not place these orders in front of the court. He asked question. On earlier occasions, the bench had allowed immersion of idols, but wanted these to be removed within 24 hours. Even these decisions were not brought to the notice of the court.
 BJP MLA T Raja Singh objected to the notice served by the police, asking devotees not to immerse the idol at the tank dam. Without giving any alternative, he questioned how the police could give notice. If the government stops the immersion of idols in Tank Bund, they will keep the idols in Pragati Bhavan, warned the BJP leader.
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