Cancer risk rising on Generation Z and millennials: New study reveals
Cancer risk rising on Generation Z and millennials: New study reveals

Cancer cases are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. This dangerous disease occurs when cells start growing without any control and take the form of a tumor or cancer. There can be many reasons for this, of which lifestyle is the most prominent. Recently, a new study has made a shocking revelation that Generation Z and Millennials are at a very high risk of cancer.

Generation Z and Millennials are at increased risk of cancer

According to research by the American Cancer Society, 17 out of 34 types of cancer cases are increasing rapidly among young people. These include cancers such as anal, colon, rectal, uterine corpus, gall bladder, kidney and renal pelvis, pancreas, myeloma, non-cardia gastric, testis, leukemia, and Kaposi sarcoma for men. Women are at higher risk of gastric cardia, small intestine, estrogen receptor-positive breast, ovary, liver, intrahepatic bile duct, and non-HPV-associated oral and pharynx cancer.

Who are Generation Z and Millennials?

Generation Z and Millennials are people born in the early 1990s. The study found that the incidence of cancer of the small intestine, kidney, and pancreas in these generations is 2 to 3 times higher than in the 1950s. Millennial women have a significantly higher risk of liver, oral, and throat cancer than women born in the 1950s. However, women born in the 1950s had a 169% higher risk of uterine cancer.

Major causes of cancer

  1. Bad lifestyle : Lack of proper diet and regular exercise.
  2. Processed foods and eating out: Consuming excessive amounts of processed and junk foods.
  3. Increase in screen time: Spending long periods in front of a screen.
  4. Lack of sleep: Not getting enough sleep.
  5. Obesity: Overweight and obesity.

Is cancer curable?

According to doctors, timely testing and screening are very important to avoid cancer. If cancer is detected on time, then its treatment is possible. Many types of cancer can be easily prevented. Awareness among people is also important to avoid cancer. Youth should improve their lifestyle, such as eating right and exercising regularly, so that the risk of cancer can be reduced.

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