Territorial disputes, the practice of expansionism and stories of invasion…this is all history has been about and this is all what lies in the present too. Well, we have come a long way from wars and invasions, the exception is what is going on in Gaza and Ukraine, yet territorial disputes do exist at the borders. Similar is with India, we have been dealing with border issues since Independence. The Kashmir issue needs no mention, followed with Aksai Chin in Arunachal Pradesh and to those unaware, there is a part of India that even Nepal puts claim over.
The map that we see, the territory that we belong to, is not necessarily acceptable to the world as well. The UN has its own version of the Indian map, Pakistan has its own, China another one and the close neighboring nation Nepal as well. Here is a detailed account of ‘BHARAT’ and its territory as seen by the UN and known to some of its neighboring nations -
United Nations
UN depicts India as it is with all of its recognized borders, except for the disputed territories. The territories which are a matter of dispute and haven’t been resolved yet, are denoted with a dotted line. For example, the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir between India and Pakistan is shown with a dotted line. It doesn’t show the disputed areas as fully aligning with any of the country. Similar is with the Falkland Islands and between Sudan and South Sudan.
The UN has always maintained a neutral stance upon the disputed territories, not claiming any one’s side over the sovereignty of the region.
The Kashmir issue is nothing hidden to the world, the two nations have always been in conflict due to it. China, playing the third party role, being involved here as well. Pakistan controls over 30% of Kashmir that includes Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan regions. But it extends forcible occupation over a major part of Jammu & Kashmir, approx. 78,000 sq km as its territory, including Sir Creek that is a 96 km stretch of water, a tidal estuary of the Indus river delta bordering India and Pakistan. It also claims over a part of Ladakh as its territory.
Pakistan even recognizes Chinese sovereignty over Trans-Karakoram tract and Aksai Chin. Until recently in 2020, Pakistan had released a map showcasing the former princely states of Junagadh and Manavadar as a part of its territory.
India and China have never had a stable balance relationship with one another. They have turned foes, but were never really friends. There have been various instances of close encounters at the border, the most recent one in June 2020. The earliest which we have grown up reading- The Indo China war of 1962.
The world knows about the expansionist policies of China, how it has claimed annexation over Taiwan and Tibet. And has always tried over gaining control of some of the territories of India, not a one or two but more than that. The People’s Republic of China tries to access its control over a majority of Arunachal Pradesh (calling it South Tibet) and the eastern part of Jammu & Kashmir, including Aksai Chin. Until very recently it posted a map citing Sikkim as a part of China’s territory. Time and again, China has violated the Simla Convention of 1914, and has never really agreed to it. Never has it legitimized the McMahon line.
Peace is somewhere visible down the line, with the latest agreements between the two nations, to discontinue military standoff along the borders, a big move to start direct flights and begin the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra which was halted after COVID-19 pandemic.
We find a cordial relationship between India and Nepal, following the history that dates back to the Satyug of Lord Ram. Mata Sita belonged to the kingdom of Mithila, now Nepal. But still, there have been border arguments among the neighboring nations.
Nepal claims over a small part of Indian territory as its own. This includes the Kalapani territory near Uttarakhand and the territory of Susta in Bihar state. Other disputed territories include Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh, Mechi and Tanakpur. As much as 60,000 hectares of land between India and Nepal is a matter of dispute. Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh have been administered by India, until recently in 2020, Nepal released a map that showed the three territories belonging to the latter. The dispute is because of lack of consensus over the Kali river. Nepal always stresses upon the territories belonging to it and India should return them.
In the past, India also had border disputes with Sri Lanka’s Kachatheevu island and Bangladesh’s South Talpatti which were resolved over time. The unsettled boundaries have always posed a major problem for India, other countries putting their claim over these. And if any of these claims get accepted, India’s map would be unrecognizable enough. Many countries including Japan, Israel, Russia and UAE recognize Indian map and its territory.
And for what’s unsettled, there has to be a peaceful talk on the table. Unnecessary claims, perpetration of terrorism, waging a proxy war is not the solution. Neither a scuffle every once in a while, for in the long run…it can turn into a war.