India Calls for Border Security and Democratic Transition in Myanmar
India Calls for Border Security and Democratic Transition in Myanmar

NEW DELHI: India Urges Myanmar to Ensure Border Security and Quick Democratic Transition- India has expressed significant concern about the violence in Myanmar, especially its impact on the border shared with India. External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar conveyed these concerns during a meeting with Myanmar's Deputy Prime Minister U Than Shwe.

Jaishankar emphasized the need for credible security measures to protect Indian projects in Myanmar and called for a swift transition to democracy in the country. He highlighted the challenges posed by ongoing violence and instability, which are affecting border regions and complicating efforts to maintain peace and security.

In particular, Jaishankar pointed out the critical issues of illegal narcotics, arms smuggling, and human trafficking. He urged Myanmar's cooperation in addressing these problems and emphasized the importance of repatriating Indian nationals who are currently trapped in Myawaddy town due to the ongoing conflict.

India’s Foreign Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam spoke during a joint press conference with the Philippines’ Secretary of Foreign Affairs Enrique Manalo at the Sofitel Hotel in Manila, Philippines, on March 26, 2024. He said he had expressed concern about the impact of continuing violence in Myanmar near India's border in a meeting on Wednesday with Myanmar's foreign minister.

Jaishankar reiterated India's readiness to engage with all parties involved in Myanmar's crisis to help restore stability and ensure the safety of both nations. He stressed the importance of a democratic transition to bring long-term peace and development to Myanmar.

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