Indian Immunologicals develops Goat Pox Vaccine
Indian Immunologicals develops Goat Pox Vaccine

Bangalore: Goat Pox Vaccine (Raksha Goat Pox) has been launched by Bangalore-based Indian Immunologicals Ltd (IIL), which is believed to aid in the control of the disease.

"Indian Immunologicals is devoted to introducing such products for the national interest and would amply enable marginal livestock growers of their livelihood and protect their flock from various diseases," said K Anand Kumar, IIL's Managing Director, in a press statement on Sunday.

The disease is endemic in various countries of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, and India has over 150 million goats. Goat Pox is a highly contagious disease that spreads via aerosol, contact, and vectors such as flies. Goats of all ages and breeds are affected, although young, old, and lactating animals are more vulnerable. High fever, widespread nodules/papules on the skin, face, mucus membranes of the mouth, conjunctiva, and nasal canals, severe internal lesions (lungs, reproductive, and digestive tracts), and death in many cases characterize the condition.

According to a study, the prevalence rate of goat pox varies by agroclimatic zones and can reach up to 48 percent in some areas. Goat pox can cause up to 100 percent morbidity and up to 85 percent mortality, resulting in massive losses for small animal farmers and livestock ranchers.

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